wayfarers all

children's literature, childhood and culture (and anything else that strikes my fancy).

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Location: pittsburgh, U.S. Outlying Islands

carbon-based life form: thinking, reading and gardening. New College alum; current grad student writing a dissertation. I specialize in children's literature, media, and culture, and queer/gender studies, with a strong interest in 19th century British literature and culture. I like history, a lot.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

the chocolate factory opens....

so a bit of luck came my way - i've been asked to participate in a post-screening discussion (facilitate it, i suppose) of the new Charlie & the Chocolate Factory film on monday 18 july at the oaks theatre in oakmont, pa (near pittsburgh). since i agreed to do it - nervously but excitedly - i get a ticket to tonight's sneak preview screening of the film at the waterfront theatres.

tonight, 7:30 - me, johnny depp and the Chocolate Factory!

I am extremely excited about seeing the film and participating in the discussion next week (great opportunity to expand my cv, i guess). I've worked a fair amount on Dahl's novel, and this spring wrote a paper for a film adaptation class on the '71 gene wilder film. i would hardly call myself expert, but i've definitely read pretty extensively on both novel and film, and i know those texts inside-out. and i've gotten more and more interested in the possibilities of film and children's literature; i don't know if it's the direction i'll head in for things like my dissertation, but the fact that i'm considering it at all surprises me (and is strangely exciting because it's such a new direction for me, a person who otherwise is in love with victorian/edwardian era literature and culture, especially children's lit).

i will post about the film sometime tonight - i don't know how spoilers work with such a wellknown source text, but i'll try not to give away the best parts (i'm sure there will be some). i don't know if i'll love the film but i'm terribly curious to see how the novel has been adapted.

more after the film!


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