wayfarers all

children's literature, childhood and culture (and anything else that strikes my fancy).

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Location: pittsburgh, U.S. Outlying Islands

carbon-based life form: thinking, reading and gardening. New College alum; current grad student writing a dissertation. I specialize in children's literature, media, and culture, and queer/gender studies, with a strong interest in 19th century British literature and culture. I like history, a lot.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

me & sybill trelawney - HP6

Big Fat Spoilers Here! So stay away if you don't want to know. Here is a nice daylily to admire before getting to the spoilerpost.

My prediction was right! So far, anyway. My sister and I have often kicked around various predictions and ideas for how the series will end, including what will become of harry's love life. And I have suggested more than once that he will become a Loner-Hero, removed from those around him, pursuing his work in a self-imposed isolation. and his "breakup" scene with Ginny in HP6 proves me right!
although to be fair, I don't reckon Ginny is the kind of girl to take that very well. Ginny as I read her will Be There for Harry no matter what, and will likely save his ass on at least one occasion, thus proving herself worthy of partnership. Ginny's tough, and doesn't seem too keen to have boys tell her what to do - I like that about her.
Someone on my listserv has pointed out similarities between Ginny and Harry's mother, Lily - I'm assuming physical (the long red hair). This is creepy. I sincerely hope this wasn't intentional but I fear it might have been. the "becoming his father" plot is also a bit tiresome to me, although it doesn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the books.
anyway, I like it when I make predictions and they, at least temporarily, come true.
When does Book Seven come out??


Blogger Michele said...

Geez ! Talk about giving someone a fright ! I posted a piece on my Blog earlier about Prof. Trelawney - and for one horrible moment, when I saw your post heading, I thought we'd had the same idea ! Phew ! Fright over...

I have this theory that Ginny, Neville and Luna will be there, with Hermione and Ron, waiting to assist Harry - I also don't see Ginny giving in that easily, not after she finally got what she wanted - Harry as her boyfriend. And she's a persistent young woman, not to mention a powerful young witch... I think that those five make up Harry's core group, the DA elite, if you like. I really hope I'm right on this, because it's so perfect that the six of them are half and half, gender-wise - three guys and three girls. It would be the final proof for all those people who've sneered at JKR's characterisation of the girls, that they were wrong (not that this is an issue for me, or anything !)


3:15 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

I keep coming back here in hopes you've posted again - but you haven't... I guess you're just too busy with other stuff... ?

2:30 PM  
Blogger Teresa said...

I imagine the book will be out next year since the movies have to be done before the actors get too much older.

I also think you might enjoy taking a look at this site (and this isn't spam): http://www.thisintothat.com/ He makes shelves out of old books.

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Harry's mother's long red hair an invention of the movies tho? I might be wrong, I just don't remember her being described that way in the books.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that Hermione, though a bit shrill and even nag-like sometimes, has always been the female exemplar in HP--and she's often portrayed as the smartest of the original trio, which should short-circuit any comments about female stereotypes in the novels. I know little to nothing about JKR, but I always pictured Hermione as the "Rowling" character.

12:22 PM  

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